Statistical Modelling 1 (2001), 81–102

Multinomial Logit Random Effects Models

Jonathan Hartzel
Merck Research Labs,  West Point,
PA 19486, USA

Alan Agresti
Dept of Statistics, Univ of Florida, Gainesville,
FL 32611-8545,  USA

Brian Caffo
Dept of Statistics, Univ of Florida, Gainesville,
FL 32611-8545,  USA


This article presents a general approach for logit random effects modeling of clustered ordinal and nominal responses.  We review multinomial logit random effects models in a unified form as multivariate generalized linear mixed models.  Maximum likelihood estimation utilizes adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature within a quasi-Newton maximization algorithm.  For cases in which this is computationally infeasible, we generalize a Monte Carlo EM algorithm. We also generalize pseudo likelihood approaches that are simpler but provide poorer approximations for the likelihood.  Besides the usual normality structure for random effects, we also present a semi-parametric approach treating the random effects in a nonparametric manner.  An example comparing reviews of movie critics uses adjacent-categories logit models and a related baseline-category logit model.


Adjacent-categories logit; Baseline-category logit; Generalized linear mixed model; Nominal variable; Nonparametric maximum likelihood; Ordinal variable; Quasi symmetry.


SAS code for fitting multinomial random effects models